Good News!  

Our office will be offering our patients the opportunity to participate in the

SMART ESAC Screening tool for developmental delays in communication  [😊]

Individualized Care in a Warm
and Supportive Environment

Dear Parents, 

Our practice will be participating in the FIRST WORDS PROJECT, in conjunction with Florida State University and Weill Cornell Medicine. For this project we will be offering the SMART ESAC to families with infants between the ages of 9 to 20 months.

This screener will help us detect potential delays and ensure that your child is communicating as expected for his or her age. If you are interested, you may complete the first screening in office at your child's scheduled well care visit, and go over the results with Dr Nass. After the initial screening, you will have access to various on line resources including additional screenings, monthly check ins, your child's results, and more.

If your child does have signs of delays, Dr Nass will be able to give you more information about resources that will be made available to you. You can find more information at:


Keep in mind that participation in this program is entirely voluntary and that you can elect not to participate or to  opt out at any time.

Traditional screening tools for communication and social interaction delays miss 80% of children who later go on to require special education, and may only be used after 18 months of age.
This new state of the art tool is meant to catch children with delays earlier so that early intervention may be provided with the goal that your child will better benefit from his/her schooling and better learn from his/her  interaction with others as he/she matures.

You will be asked to sign a "permission to contact  form," which will allow Weill Cornell Medicine to contact you after 27 months of age, should your child be shown to have any delays. You may elect not to sign this consent and still receive the screening. The consent form is necessary through HIPAA regulations in order to allow us to release your contact information to Weill Cornell in order for them to contact  you for additional services to be provided.


Doctor Nass and his staff remain committed to providing the highest level of pediatric care, combining expert training, the latest medical technologies and over 25 years of experience serving the community.

You can reach our office at (718)520-1070 for all of your pediatric needs.
Check us out at 

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Howard Nass MD FAAP and staff