Revolutionary Clary sage Omega 3 supplement, now available in our office

Individualized Care in a Warm
and Supportive Environment
Dear Parents,

It is well understood that persons with diets rich in omega 3 fatty acids, and lower in processed sugars, fried foods and certain oils enjoyed  health benefits.
These health benefits include, but are not limited to  its effects on our heart ( cardiovascular disease), our brains ( effecting better focusing and concentration including treatment options for Attention Deficit Disorder, Depression, and possibly  dementia, and Alzheimer's disease; visual and neurological development in infants),our lungs ( better lung function , decreased inflammation of our airways, improvement to those suffering from asthma),and arthritis ( decreased inflammation), and our gastrointestinal tract (decreased inflammation in those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease).

It is also understood that supplements containing  fish oil provide omega 3 in a pill or oil form. Please note this benefit is seen all the more so when our diet is adjusted properly as well.


"Naturesage" Omega-3  also known as Visage or "1820" ( G-d's name as YKVK appears 1820 times in the bible) was discovered by a group of researchers in botanical genetics in the State of Israel.

In 1999 they embarked on a mission to discover a

new sustainable source of Omega-3. They scanned

the gene pool of thousands of plants indigenous

to Europe and the Mediterranean region and

discovered that in a specific breed of Clary Sage

there is a high concentration of Omega-3. Looking at

the results, they were overwhelmed by the discovery,

especially noting that although the Clary Sage seed

oil has a very high concentration of Omega-3, it does

not readily oxidize, even in radical conditions under

which other known sources of Omega-3 become

unfit for human consumption.

Brian Clement, one of the world's foremost authorities on homeopathic supplements states the following: 

“There is no other oil on the

earth, that I ever worked

with on the last half century

that even comes near to the

benefits you get from this

extraordinary Omega-3 oil.”

(Brain Clement, Director of the Hippocrates Health institute, West Palm Beach, Florida.)

Nature Sage Omega 3 is now available at Dr Nass Pediatric Office for purchase.
One 60 capsule box or one 30 ml  bottle of the oil is available for 30 dollars. A discount of 2 free bottles is provided for those who purchase 7 boxes yielding a net cost of $23.33 per box.
The product may also be ordered on line at the following web site:
Please browse through the following information provided by it's manufacturer; I believe you will agree with me that this is a novel and remarkable product.




Doctor Nass and his staff remain committed to providing the highest level of pediatric care, combining expert training, the latest medical technologies and over 25 years of experience serving the community.

You can reach our office at (718)520-1070 for all of your pediatric needs.
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